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Hi! I'm Mike Phillips.

"Your personal growth marketer."

I fell in love with a problem — the chasm between new and established players in the creator economy: 52% of creator/solopreneurs make less than $10k/yr, and only 1% hit $500k/yr.

Closing that gap is my mission — to help solopreneurs, freelancers, coaches, course creators, and consultants build their bridge across that income chasm.

Let's strengthen your success. 


Making a measurable impact.

#MarketingMuscle began years ago as my personal brand hashtag on LinkedIn, but it quickly grew into my business. Through years of creating content and engaging with other players in the creator economy, I found the niche of helping online entrepreneurs develop marketing skills and a growth mindset.

3500 + Pieces

of Unique Content

From Linkedin to YouTube, snackable insights are central to the value I bring to creators, freelancers, and solopreneurs.

48 + Months

of Daily Content

Text posts, long-form videos, shorts, infographics, photos, and more are part of my content library.

30 + Million

in Revenue Growth

From a career in marketing, plus helping solopreneurs & creators. Growing revenue for others is my north star.

The #MarketingMuscle Mission:

Strengthen success for solo/creators

I've used marketing to grow revenue for large and small businesses for the better part of 2 decades. Now I'm on a mission to help creators and solopreneurs use marketing & mindset to succeed on their own terms.

My "Gym Rules"

Principled business makes a difference.

I want to know what makes a person tick before working with them. So I'll share the same info with you. These are the immutable laws that define how I approach business. If you can relate, I have a feeling we'll get along just fine.

Self-efficacy is empowering.

I don't want to turn you into me. My goal is to help you and your business grow stronger with the right skillset and mindset so you can achieve financial success on your own terms.

Growth is gradual greatness.

When you step out your vision into small enough goals, failure becomes impossible. You succeed by chaining together small wins that compound to build amazing momentum.

You never start over. Only again.

Experience is an accelerant you never lose. You may make mistakes, lose money, or miss a goal — but when you begin again, you compound the benefit of all you've learned. 

We grow stronger together.

Nothing helps you grow stronger than good training partners. Coming together as a community is how we collaborate, lift one another up, and push further than we could alone.

A team of one.

I'm a Solopreneur too.

My vision is the democratization of success through the creator economy. I see it as a path out of unfulfilling and undercompensating work and into self-actualization. There are many kinds of players in the creator economy — solopreneurs, freelancers, coaches, course creators, consultants, influence marketers, and more. With the right mindset and skillset, I believe everyone can generate reliable revenue and find success.

Mike Phillips

Role: All of the things.

Growth marketer, weight lifter, and content creator — I'm "your personal growth marketer" strengthening success for creators and solopreneurs. I'm the founder of #MarketingMuscle and THE GYM Community for creators and solopreneurs.