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Mike Phillips
Creators & Solopreneurs:

I make marketing make sense so you can make more money.

#MarketingMuscle content, community, and coaching are built to help you succeed as a player in the creator economy. Let's strengthen your success with strong marketing and a growth mindset. 

"Your personal growth marketer."

Democratizing success for the creator economy.

I believe in equitable access, so I made investing in growth a lift within everyone’s means. I offer content, community, and custom growth marketing solutions that make marketing accessible and useful for the way creators and solopreneurs like to work.

Content for Creators

Snackable & long-form content to educate & motivate. Shared consistently on LinkedIn and YouTube. Always free.

Creator Community

Get the support, accountability, and skills you need to succeed online. Free, with premium options.

Creator Performance

Custom marketing analysis and data insights for serious LinkedIn creators. Available if you're ready.

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About #MarketingMuscle

Growth marketing, for the people.

👋 I'm Mike Phillips — growth marketer, weightlifter, content creator. 

I've used marketing to grow revenue for large and small businesses for the better part of 2 decades. Now I'm on a mission to help you grow stronger revenue too.

Many players in the creator economy build large followings through a creator motion, yet they continue to see their revenue underperform. 52% of creators and solopreneurs make less than $10k/yr from their venture. But the top 1% clear $500,000 per year — and that’s the power of marketing put to work.

Through years of creating content and engaging with other players in the creator economy, I found the niche of helping online entrepreneurs develop marketing skills and a growth mindset.

You can cross the income chasm between the average and elite creator with the right mindset and marketing. My mission is to help you achieve that financial success on your own terms.




Social proof that speaks for itself.

Clients and customers share their experiences with my premium services and products.

Mike guided me through several viable options to market and monetize my new business.

I know a lot about my area of expertise — however, marketing is NOT that area. Mike providing "newbie-friendly" support was extremely helpful in getting me started in the right direction. I'm excited to further explore the ideas he mentioned and know I'Il be reaching back out to him again as I progress in my journey.


Lisa Edmondson

Solopreneur & Founder

Mike is extremely gifted in explaining the complex and making it simple.

I hired him to simplify video making/editing and production so I can learn simple production and create short-form videos. His expertise in engineering, video production, and marketing makes him an excellent guide and patient teacher. I highly recommend Mike for his #MarketingMuscle training to learn a step-by-step program and an actionable takeaway to implement and continue practicing on your own.


Michelle Griffin

Solopreneur & Content Creator

I knew at the first meeting with Mike that I was in the right place.

I needed a way to pull together all parts of my online business into a system for driving growth. From our first meeting, Mike was highly skilled at quickly replacing complexity with solutions. We built a workable plan, and I am now moving forward with greater confidence and already seeing the results of our work together.


Carol Amendola-D'Anca

Founder & Solopreneur

The MVB Workbook is SOLID!

The workbook is so good! I like how Mike shares ideas in a simple, straightforward way. I also like how he's emphasizing the idea of taking micro-steps and not overcomplicating things. Especially at the pay-what-you-want price, getting a copy is a no-brainer!


Mat Lehnhoff

LinkedIn Content Creator
The Gym/Office Blog

Browse #MarketingMuscle Articles & Resources

Deep-dive articles explain critical growth marketing topics for creators and solopreneurs. Level-up your business and grow stronger revenue with educational resources that are intuitive & actionable for non-marketers.

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Ready to become a stronger creator?

Join THE GYM Community

We're an amazing crew of creators, solopreneurs, freelancers, coaches, consultants, and course creators. We set goals, hold each other accountable, build skills, solve problems, and get the support we need to succeed.

Creating on Linkedin?

Improve Your LinkedIn Performance

The Creator Performance Index is your shortcut to unique, plain-language insights of your activity on LinkedIn. Get a custom analysis from a practicing PhD data scientist and a tenured growth marketer with a combined 32 years of professional experience.